Parking Information

With the increasing number of staff and patients at the Surgery, we are noticing a rise in patients who are late for their appointment due to lack of car parking spaces.

Although we understand that at times this is unavoidable, please can we ask you to consider the following when you are planning your appointment:

  • Allow adequate time for parking – if the surgery carpark is full, you may have to park further afield, or wait for a space to become available.
  • If you are required to pick up a prescription from the chemist, please do not leave your car at the surgery to walk there.
  • If you are able to and can walk to your appointment, then please do.
  • Please do not use the Doctors spaces, even if they appear available in the day – we may have Doctors returning to a full clinic after visiting patients at home.

And finally, a polite reminder – please do not use the car park if you do not have an appointment at the surgery!