Prescriptions Update

Dear Patients

We are pleased to announce that we now have a dedicated prescription query line open daily from 14:00 until 17:00.

Please call us on the main number 01488 682507 and select option 3 to speak to one of our friendly Pharmacy Technicians who will be happy to help you with your query.

We get a huge amount of calls from patients asking if their prescriptions have been done, that there is a discrepancy with what they have ordered or they are being put on new medication from the hospital, plus many more types of queries. Our dedicated pharmacy team are best placed to help with these queries. We are trying to reduce the length of time waiting in a queue on the phone and to direct specific needs to the appropriate team in a more timely manner.

Unfortunately taking prescription requests on the phone is not safe. With 7500 patients, our call numbers would increase hugely and we just don’t have the capacity to facilitate that. Apologies for the inconvenience caused however we can take prescription requests by:

  • Using a repeat prescription request on our website (no login or password required)
  • Popping into the surgery and completing our prescription request form
  • NHS app
  • Online services via our website for those patients who have a login (we can easily set you up if you would like access to our online services)